Below described catalog & shop solutions and data services might be restricted in certain regions. For more details, please contact our sales team


Sell more parts with our TecDoc-based catalogue solutions

The automotive aftermarket is exceptional in its use and management of data. In this data-driven environment, the TecDoc catalogue is the product management industry standard.

Be part of the global vehicle & replacement parts catalogue

TecDoc offers replacement part manufacturers, dealers and workshops the ideal end-to-end system for accurate part identification. It is a comprehensive, easy-to-use search for the right spare part in one platform.

With this platform, you can quickly expand your product profile, not only in your geographical region, but around the world. You can showcase your product portfolio to the entire aftermarket network for best-in-class visibility and sale.

√ Globally recognised as the quality standard in the aftermarket

√ More than 50.000 users work with TecDoc frontend solutions

√ Over 1.000 companies subscribed to our TecDoc web service API


Make your product information available globally at the point of sale using highest quality data based on our TecDoc industry standard.


Integrate global spare parts data individually in your web shop applications or easily setup your own shop or online catalogue with our white-label solutions.


Save time & cost with fast and correct vehicle and spare parts identification including comprehensive & manufacturer compliant repair and maintenance information.

Maximum achievable precision & accuracy delivering fast results

Our TecDoc Catalogue enables companies to work efficiently at all times and every point of sale. Find the right part from A to Z with comprehensive product information and manufacturers’ vehicle links as well as links to product videos.

Different options, including mobile use via our App, enable maximum performance in terms of availability, flexibility and user-friendliness. TecDoc Catalogue is the central search engine for car parts and vehicles using country-specific and internationally valid identification methods.


Providing quick results to enable users across the globe to work efficiently all the time

Latest technology

Maximum performance and availability on all platforms via our global cloud connectivity

Intuitive search

Find the right part quickly via live search & our smart TecDoc® product groups

Highly customisable

Custom integration and addition of modules like TecRMI or VIO data available

Take TecDoc® on the go with our Catalogue App

The quality of the mobile support can be a decisive factor in closing deals or sales. The TecDoc Catalog App is your customised sales enabler that helps workshops, dealers, sellers and car owners find the relevant spare parts for your brand in the most efficient and convenient way – anywhere, anytime!

VIN & barcode scanner

Take a snap & our build-in OCR makes product identification easy

Media module

Enrich your catalogue with additional documents (PDFs) & link your YouTube library

Dealer module

Guide potential customers to your nearest PoS via our Google Maps integration

Notification module

Stay in touch & keep your customers up-to-date with push notifications

Make it your catalogue & only choose the data that suits your individual needs

The functions of the TecDoc Catalogue are both extensive and versatile. But not everyone needs access to the complete set of reference data available. That is why our offering is modularly structured and divided into service packages.

Of course, a combination of the individual options is also possible in order to adapt the scope to meet your requirements.

Classic Catalogue

-Comprehensive TecDoc spare parts catalogue

-Vehicle identification by VIN filter

-Repair and adjustment data

-Maintenance plans & interval displays

OE Prices Add-on*

-Price data based on vehicle manufacturer information

-*can only be purchased as an addition to one of our other packages

Garage Data

-Everything in Classic plus:

-Graphic component selection

-Technical service bulletins

-Standard labour times

-Wheel & tyre information

-Interactive circuit diagrams

-OEM-based information on recall actions

-Repair instructions

Garage Data Pro

-Everything in Classic and Garage Data plus:

-Comfortable circuit diagrams

-Diagnostic data

-Localisation of components in the engine compartment

-Fuses and relays

Garage Data Truck

-Everything in Classic plus:

-Standard labour times

-OEM-based information about recalls

-Repair instructions

-Technical service bulletins


Taylor made solutions based on TecDoc data to reach your Sales goals faster

The global shift of parts sales towards e-commerce platforms is one of the world’s major market trends. Setting up a network of sales channels in the digital aftermarket is increasingly essential, as a result.

With our industry knowledge and technical expertise, we have created a number of digital solutions, based on TecDoc Catalogue data. Reach your goals faster. TecDoc will help.

Easily start your own e-commerce business with our White-Label Solution

With comprehensive data in TecDoc, your products are integrated with high-quality images, videos, and pricing that you can choose. Leverage our global spare part and vehicle catalogue as the foundation for your own, customised digital catalogue.

Easy to set-up

Ready to use, off-the-shelf solution to enter your e-commerce business


Customisable & modular intuitive user interface adaptable to your needs

Show your brand

Individually adapted to your own corporate branding for seamless integration into your website

Modular functionalities

Expandable functionalities to match exactly the needs of your customers

Upgrade your B2B e-commerce solution with our dedicated Trade Module

Upgrade your personalised B2B e-commerce solution with an optional shopping cart functionality and the ordering feature. With a direct connection to your MMS, you can automate your order processing. Your information for orders is always up-to-date.

Your storefront

Easily add customisable pricing and availability information to your products


Connect our trade module directly to your MMS to automate your orders

Process your orders

Simply add a shopping cart for your users as well as ordering functionality

Highly customisable

Modular user interface which is completely adaptable to your corporate design

Enable mobile commerce easily with our native White-Label App

Thanks to the white-label version of the TecDoc Catalogue App, you can reach your customers worldwide, present your product and company information “on the go” and thus increase your product sales.

For iOS & Android

Our white-label mobile catalogue app is available both for iOS as well as Android

Mobile functionality

VIN & barcode scanner, Google Maps, media module as well as push notifications


Modular interface, individually adapted to your own corporate branding

TecDoc on the go

No trade-offs: Complete article details in the usual TecDoc quality

Connect to our Web Service API to create your unique commerce solution based on TecDoc

Digital Commerce is increasingly complex. Your product needs may require a unique product solution, based on TecDoc data. Using our Web Service API as a backend, you can seamlessly integrate the data into your very own shop or application.

Cloud technology

Global, high-performance availability with multiple redundancies


Your backend for B2C, B2B shops, PIM systems & other automotive applications

Headless architecture

No web service hosting infrastructure is required on customer side

Latest TecDoc data

Fuel your system & applications with always up-to-date TecDoc Catalogue data